Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Gads! Tom Meyer now 60

To help him celebrate, why not scoot over to Jargon's site to read some of his work - the wonderful essay "On Being Neglected," for example, which I've returned to many times.

[A] good friend once confessed how wonderful it felt to edit an anthology, and not include work of his own. Though not a lesson our society proffers, there is good sense in making one's work a refuge, rather than a display, the self evident as opposed to the self-proclaimed, to dare not to be first, even in disappointment. Consider this: Hiding one's light under a bushel is actually a strength, not a weakness — the authority of accomplishment. That's nearly unthinkable here and now in these United States, despite all our spiritual aspirations.

In taking the measure of his own path, he casts light into byways anyone committed to the work of writing will find it more than useful to explore. If you're a poet, you'd do well to read it, print it, and keep it close at hand to read again.

And there's more to be found there through the Musings page - including files you can stream or download of Tom reading Coromandel, his recent long poem, the text of his translation of the Katha Upanishad, and his memoir of artist Sandra Fisher.

And there are articles on Tom's translation of the daode jing at NatureS here, here, and here.

Happy birthday, Tom. Like they say, many more.


The photo of Thomas Meyer is by Reuben Cox.

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