Saturday, January 30, 2010

In search of Jack Clarke

Mike Bough is looking for responses to the work of poet John (Jack) Clarke:

... John Clarke (1933-1992) was an important poet and scholar who was one of the most significant students of Charles Olson. Although relatively unknown outside a small circle of attentive writers, Clarke’s influence was remarkably significant. His two last books — From Feathers to Iron, a book on poetics, and In the Analogy, an incomplete epic consisting of some 200 sonnets — were the most important — and successful — attempts to further the work initiated by Olson.

I’m proposing to collect a variety of responses to Jack and his work and publish them as a book. It won’t be, strictly speaking, either a festschrift or homage. I’m hoping it will be something like a living record of Jack’s legacy. It could include everything from personal reminiscences to poetic or personal responses to critical or personal assessments of his work to art. I leave it to the contributors to decide how they best want to respond to their relation to Jack and his work.
Boughn can be reached at mboughn at gmail dot com.

Cass Clarke, Jack's widow, is also preparing a photo album, and Boughn is editing a volume of his work that will include previously unpublished material.

Thanks to Dale Smith's Possum Ego for some of the details of Boughn's call.

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