Thursday, December 31, 2009

Recent adventures with writing technologies

I've seldom done posts on computer issues, but, well, we're way past the time when computer technologies entered the territory of writing, so I'm going to do one today, as part of my farewell to 2009. Here's hoping that in the coming year none of us encounters drive crashes, bad operating systems ... oh, well, what are the chances of that?

Getting my special award as Most Horrible Product of the year: the Seagate FreeAgent Xtreme 1.5T external drive, pictured above. It has great specs, multiple interfaces (USB/Firewire/e-SATA), and is fast, featuring a 7200 rpm spindle speed. What's so horrible, you might ask? Alas, my personal experience with them (and I say "them" because I went through three of them in a matter of only five months) is that they crash and burn all too easily. They seem prone to hardware failures that leave the drive performing the sort of endless whiny seek operation that means your data has been irretrievably eaten, is lost, gone, and never to be seen again. A big thumbs down.

Seagate has made drives for years, and, as far as I know, other drives in their catalog may work great. Indeed, some of the most reliable drives I've ever used were Seagates. But I'll never own another FreeAgent Xtreme external, at least until I know the drive has gone through a thorough redesign.

I finally replaced the third Seagate with a Western Digital My Book. I've got the "Home Edition", but the WD website doesn't list that as a current option; the drive with comparable features is the "Studio Edition II", which seems targeted at Mac users. It's slower than the Seagate (5400 rpm spindle speed), and Windows Vista occasionally won't find it on boot - but the Seagate had the same problem, which means it may have more to do with Vista than with the drive; more about Vista in a moment. But (knock on wood) the WD drive has outlasted any of the 1.5T Seagate drives (not a major achievement, I know) it replaced, and seems way less neurasthenic.

(Hmm, if it's being discontinued, maybe I'll try to track another one down on sale as a closeout... )

And what can I say about Windows Vista, I ask myself, that hasn't already been said. As you've probably heard, it's annoying in the extreme; it's UAC "feature", meant to improve system security, makes users click through multiple permission windows to run simple applications. Like another Windows horror, Windows ME (glad I never installed that one; sometimes the computer gods are kind), it has "driver issues" - many things will not work, or work well, with it, even after three years in release. On top of that, it seems extremely fragile; I'd not had my new Dell notebook much over a month before I had to completely re-install the operating system. That was fun! But even more basically, it's a dog (no offense to dogs, who are, after all, our best friends), make that an egg-sucking dog, at simple file operations, and sometimes seems to go into a coma when I try to copy files, say, from one drive to another. It doesn't seem to matter whether the files/directories/drives are indexed or not. Early on, I'd wonder if I'd accidentally sent my computer into sleep mode, but eventually came to realize that it was just Vista's way of doing things.

Windows 7 may have some of the same flaws, but I'll be upgrading early in the new year.

No doubt we have to use these fine new machines (how blog otherwise, eh?), but I think my favorite writing technology for 2009, and going into 2010, is still the trusty Waterman fountain pen I got 20+ years ago. It's got a few scratches, but it's never crashed once.

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But wait, there's more: EPC adds more Robin Blaser

Charles Bernstein posted a note to the Buffalo Poetics list this week to let members know that the Electronic Poetry Center, one of the great resources for innovative twentieth and twenty-first century poetry, has added material to its page for Robin Blaser. And indeed it has. There's now a substantial selection of his poetry, diverse material gathered from the full range of his work, from the early Cups (1968), to the late "Great Companions" pieces on Dante and Robert Duncan. There's a link, too, to his "The Violets: Charles Olson and Alfred North Whitehead", from The Fire, Blaser's collected essays. All worth the deep immersion they require, especially if you're a poet.

Blaser left this plane & planet in May of this rapidly departing year (the EPC bio note seems to have been prepared in 2002, and does not yet mention his death); more here.

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thought for the day ...

Just a little mid-holiday cheer from the bizarre right, or yet another reason I don't read PajamasMedia. Mary Grabar, presented as "an English Ph.D" claims:
Marijuana . . .has always been counter-cultural in the West. Every toke symbolizes a thumb in the eye of Western values. So it follows that in order to maintain our culture, we need to criminalize this drug.
So there. But, er, isn't it still criminalized in most of the West? Sort of, at least? Whatever.

And the insidious effects of marijuana? Just as you feared:
Alcohol may fuel fights, but marijuana, as its advocates like to point out, makes the user mellow. The toker wants to make love, not war.
Funny, that's what Dr. Leary used to say. Almost makes me think some clever stoner has managed to spoof the wingnut worldview into fifteen minutes of fame. Well done, dude or dudette.

Via Mona, with thanks to Kevin

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Friday, December 25, 2009

'Tis the season ...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Charles Olson gets a conference

Charles Olson would turn 99 next week, were he still trooping around on this plane - though, at that age, he might not be trooping very far or very often; he'd be trying, though. I'll be doing a special WordPlay next Sunday to mark the date, and begin my quiet personal celebration of his centenary.

The folks at Vancouver''s Simon Fraser University are marking that centenary in a much larger way, by hosting a conference focused on his work in June of next year. Not much at the website yet, except for registration information, but the range of topics for which they sought proposals looks great. If you don't yet have plans for early next June ... well, it's a great time of the year to visit Vancouver, one of the finest cities in North America.

By way of disclaimer: if the sky don't fall, I'll be there to make a presentation on Olson's curricular projects, along with the many other Olson fans, poets and scholars, some of whom I'm really excited to have the prospect of meeting, having heard of them, known of their work, and/or read them for years. It's going to be a hoot.

More to come.

Photo: Charles Olson on the beach, from the Olson archives in Storrs, via the Olson Centenary Conference, straightened back to vertical.

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